Monday, November 7, 2011

The Palette Of Flowering Plants

Selected Cultirvars
Red mustard or India mustard (Brassica pincer, car. rug.) produces large leaves with thick petioles. The cultivar 'Red Giant has large, bronzed leaf blades that become more intense in color as the plant matures. The leaf blades taper down to the main growing point that is thick and fleshy. The midrib, are bright white and as the plant reaches full maturity, the leaves change from a rusty red to a reddish black color. The color of the /eaves also changes from a dull to a shiny appearance. The application of plant growth regulators enhances the color intensity. The plants rapid growth enables growers to market the plants 6 to 8 weeks after sowing. The roots are fibrous and the irrigation requirements increase as the root mass develops in the pot.

Red mustard can achieve a height of three feet as long as winters remain warm and wet. Temperatures below 151, can damage the unprotected outer leaves and cause them to shrivel. The interior leaves of this biennial can survive low temperatures, but the entire plant may be reduced to only 5 to 6 leaves. To limit cold injury, the plants should be planted under trees or wind protected qreas. The tall mounding growth habit makes 'Red Giant' an attractive specimen plaint or background texture plant.

Potherb Mustard 'Early Mizuna' can be used as a specimen item in the landscape as well as a groundcover. 'Early Mizuna' has a mounded form and can reach 2 feet in the garden. The leathery-textured leaves are yellow- green and deeply notched. Plants may possess up to 180 leaves and all petioles are attached to a thick, tan stem. Plants snap survive light frosts, but are killed by subfreezing weather. After a vernalisation period has occurred, the plants produce several elongated stalks, which contain the reproductive structures. 'Early Pvlizona' is very attractive in bloom with a profusion of bright yellow flowers covering the plant.

Mustard-spinach type crops like pak-choi are also popular Asian vegetables. The variety 'Tatsoi' (Brassica rapa var. resufaris) produces firm, broad, fleshy dark-green leaves that are flat and shiny. The leaves have white petioles that attach to a central growing point forming a rosette. The low growing habit (up to 8" tall) of 'Tatsoi' makes the plants attractive in borders or in mass plantings. 'Tatsoi. does not survive temperatures below 25oF and bolts rapidly as temperatures begin to increase in the spring. 'Tatsoi', with its small compact form, can be grown tightly on benches Cr on ground beds like mums.

Forage kales (Brassica arr.ea acephas) were originally were used as a source of fodder for cattle. 'I.acinato', 'Red Bor', and 'Red Russian' are three of the varieties used by botanical gardens today as ornamentals. 'Lacinato' grows to a height of 2 feet and has thick and crinkled dark blue- green foliage. 'Red Bus' achieves a height of 3 feet and possesses dark purple ruffled leaves. 'Red Russian' is an interesting variety that grows to 3 feet. As the cooler weather sets in, its foliage changes from a blue-green to purple-red color.

Swiss Chard (Beta unigaris) is a relative tithe beet, but unlike the beet, it is grown only for its colorful leaves and stalk. The plants generally grow Ito 1 (4 feet tall. The cultivar 'Bright Lights was a 1998 All-America Selections Winner. This variety is a favorite among gardeners because of its multiple colored stems and robust and crumpled foliage.

Ornamental cabbage and kale airassio oleracen L. var. acephalal are also popular plants used in the fall landscape. Another name used to identify this crop is flowering cabbage and kale, but this label is inappropriate, because the plants are grown primarily for their colorful fall foliage and not the yellow flowers that appear in the spring.

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