Friday, June 22, 2012

A Guide about Indigofira Flower

Indigofera is a large genus with wide distribution throughout the Far East, particularly in China and the Himalaya areas, while some species are native to Australia. The genus includes about three hundred species of evergreen or deciduous shrubs and herbaceous perennials. The best-known is Indigofera tinctoria, not as a decorative garden plant, but valued and cultivated since ancient times for the dye, indigo, which the plant provides. This use was first recorded by Marco Polo. Indigofera tinctoria is indigenous to southern India, where it is widely cultivated.
It is mainly the shrubby species that are of garden value. These are hardy deciduous shrubs with small attractive freely produced pea- like flowers, and much-divided elegant foliage. They are plants with few demands, asking only for a fertile not-too-heavy soil, good drainage, and either sun or partial shade. Indigoferas can be propagated from seed sown in coldframes or in an unheated greenhouse in spring; by means of soft cuttings taken in late spring or early summer and inserted in sand in a warm greenhouse; or by means of semi-woody cuttings taken in July—August and inserted in a sandand-peat soil in frames.
Indigofera amblyantha Craib.
Native to China. A deciduous shrub up with pinnate leaves generally composed of ten leaflets. The flowering period is particularly long, from June to October, with an abundance of small pink blooms borne in erect racemes  The plants require a light pruning in spring.
Indigofera decora Lindl.
Native to China. A dwarf deciduous shrub with pinnate leaves and inflorescences in the form of erect 6-in.-high racemes, each bearing some rather large pinkish-white pendulous flowers. An elegant, attractive little plant that remains in bloom until the end of summer. Although the above-ground part of the plant is not resistant to very severe cold, it will, like Indigofera gerardiana, re-grow from the roots if the upper part is frost-killed.
Indigofera gerardiana Baker
Native to the Himalayas. The best-known species in general cultivation in gardens. Although normally hardy, the above-ground part of the plant may be killed by very severe frost. As in the case of Indigofera decora, new growths are invariably produced from the base in spring. If the current season's growth is not killed back by frost, severe pruning is necessary in spring (leaving only  buds at the base of the growths), as the current season's flowers are produced on the new growths. A deciduous shrub of modest proportions, much-branched and with a luxuriant mass of foliage. The leaves are pinnate and composed of leaflets, each leaf about long, and the individual leaflets I in. long; light green in colour and graceful in appearance. Inflorescence a raceme long, axillary, and bearing some  individual pea-shaped purple-pink flowers. Blooming is very prolific, from mid-summer until autumn.
Indigofera pendula Franch.
Native to China. One of the tallest species normally cultivated in gardens. Habit wide-spreading and expansive. Leaves pinnate. Distinguished from other species by the pendulous inflorescences, long, freely produced from late summer until autumn. The individual blooms resemble those of broom (Cytisus) and are very numerous, opening from the base of the raceme upwards. They have a most pleasing reddish-purple colour.
Indigofera potaninii Craib.
Native to the Kansu province of China. Discovered in 1885 by the Russian botanical explorer Potanin, but not introduced into Western gardens until 1912. A wide-spreading deciduous shrub with pinnate foliage long and consisting of up to seven pairs of leaflets. Pink flowers are borne in axillary racemes long. Particularly free-flowering from June onwards.

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