Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Growing Modern Shrub Roses

Another first-class yellow HT is Edna. originally called Peaudouce. It was raised by Dickson and is one of the classics among Modern roses. Its fragrant, fully double flowers are initially lemon-yellow, paling to ivory when fully- open. These are borne on an exuberant plant with healthy, glossy, dark green foliage. If allowed to develop, it will make a superb shrub.

'Grandpa Dickson', known as 'Irish Gold" in the USA, is another Dickson rose. Excellent for bedding, it produces large, exhibition-type blooms of soft yellow. These appear generously among glossy, mid-green foliage. Like Elina, if allowed its head, it will make a well- balanced, upright shrub.
Moving now to the creamy white one of my own, called 'Pinta' (also featured in the Introduction, see p.10). This is a unique blend of pure white and cream and, although each bloom is not large, its petals are scrolled in bud and the flower opens semi-double, with the distinct scent of sweet briar. It is about 60cm (2ft) tall, with dark green foliage.

To me, white roses are very beguiling and I find myself drawn to them whenever I see them in a garden. One, in particular, of which I have become rather fond is Polar Star from Tantau, which was "Rose of the Year" in Britain in 1985. Its scented flowers are shapely, of exhibition form, and as near pure white as is possible, with just a hint of cream at the base of each petal. Its foliage is dark green and healthy. About 90cm (3ft) tall, it will become a little scrawny if allowed to grow too big without any pruning.

Pascali, introduced by Louis Lens of Belgium, is another outstanding creamy white rose. The shapely, high-center flowers are borne on very strong stems amid dark green foliage. Again about 90cm (3ft) tall, it is good in groups or for bedding.

I now move to the bright orange shades. The first has superb HT-style blooms but, at 1.2m (4ft), it is almost tall enough to be termed a Shrub rose (Grandiflora in the USA). Its name is Alexander, from Harkness. Bright vermilion is probably the best description of its flowers, which are slightly fragrant and borne singly or in small clusters on very long stems. The foliage is abundant and mid- to dark green.

'Just Joey' was introduced by Cants in the same year as Alexander, but its orange color is quite different, being coppery yellow to golden amber. The shapely, fragrant flowers are carried on a rather angular plant that grows to about 60cm (2ft) high. It is fairly thorny and its foliage is dark olive-green in color.

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